How to create Aptos Wallet (Martian Wallet)
Use always official sources and be safe!
Last updated
Use always official sources and be safe!
Last updated
Instal the browser extension of Martian Wallet -> Visit the official page of Martians Wallet and click the "download" Then click to "Add to Chrome" After you download and install the wallet, the following screen should pop up. Since you do not have any Martian Wallet, click to "Create New Wallet" For creating your wallet you have to chose your password. We suggest you to choose a very strong password. After reading everything check the box in order to accept the Terms of Services and Privacy Policy. The next screen is the most important part! In this screen you will see 12 words as your recovery phrase. In case you lose your password or you want to open your wallet from another device, you have to put this phrase in that specific order to restore your wallet. Very important: NEVER share this phrase with anyone. With the recovery phrase anyone can access to your wallet without knowing your password! Better save those words offline and keep it always in a safe place. In next screen you can open notifications of decentralized applications. From now on, you can access your Martian Aptos wallet via the Martian extension in your chrome bar. Be SAFE!