How to connect with Alphabot and submit your wallet
With following steps you can sign in to Alphabot and add your Aptos wallet
Last updated
With following steps you can sign in to Alphabot and add your Aptos wallet
Last updated
If you have not signed in to Alphabot before, first step you have to do is to sign in. Go to the and click "Sign in"
After clicking the "Sign In", you will see another window is popping-up. In this window you have to chose the wallet you want to sign in for the Alphabot. This Example will be for the MetaMask but you can do the same steps for each wallet you have. On this window, we are choosing the MetaMask
Important: If you want to sign in with MetaMask but if you do not have it on your browser as an Extension, you cannot see it. For this step, you have to download the MetaMask extension first of all.
After you chose MetaMask, you need to choose with which wallet you want to sign in, and connect your wallet to Alphabot.
Congratulations, you created your Alphabot user. Next step is to add your Aptos wallet to your Alphabot user. For that you should click the number of your wallet. You will see another pop-up is coming. Here you can chose the wallet you used for the first step.
You have to sign the message in order to be fully connected to Alphabot.
After that you should connect your Discord and Twitter with Alphabot, as well as you will add your Aptos wallet.
Click on "Add" and add your wallet manually. You are ready to submit your wallet, if you are Dinolisted. Go to the wallet submission page: And do the required steps
If you are still having issues, please open a support ticket in the discord.